Personal Wellness

Be Well, Stay Well


Students will learn and practice self-care strategies in physical, emotional, and social wellbeing to enhance personal wellness.


  • Engage in a mindfulness activities that include thinking/doing activities in the present moment
  • Utilize stress management strategies such as personal breaks, time management, and coping strategies.
  • Perform Brain readiness activities to engage in learning which can include deep breaths, mental games, positive self-talk, and brain break activities.
  • Know how to ask for help or where to get resources (e-mail/call counselors, teachers, important phone numbers/websites, etc.)


  • Full body movement 30-60 minutes most days a week with strength training which may include walking, running, jumping, lifting weights, biking, treadmill, swimming, goal ball, core work, etc.

  • Stretching before & after any physical activity

  • Positive food choices that include fruit, vegetables, limit sugar/salt, and limit fat.

  • Getting proper sleep daily (8-10 hours)

  • Drink water daily


  • Establish and maintain positive relationships with self and others by calling, talking, e-mailing, writing a letter, texting, and messengers.

  • Engage in family activities such as sitting down to dinner, family walk, take care of the family pet together, movie night, game night, etc.