Transition, College, Career, and Life

Prepare for Success with WSSB

At WSSB, we're dedicated to nurturing not just students but future leaders. Our unwavering commitment to Transition, College, Career, and Life readiness empowers students for their journey ahead.

Transition Support: We understand the importance of a smooth transition from one high school to a post-secondary pathway. Our specialized programs and guidance help students seamlessly transition from high school to the next phase of their life, whether it's higher education or the workforce.

College-Ready: Through WSSB and our community partners, such as Clark College, Hudson's Bay High School, and Cascadia Tech, students are prepared for the challenges and opportunities that await in college. We provide the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to excel in higher education.  

Career-Ready: WSSB equips students with practical skills and real-world experiences to prepare them for gainful employment in the future. Through community-based experiences, internships, and partner programs with the Washington Department of Services for the Blind, students have opportunities to build skills and readiness to join the workforce.

Life-Ready: Our holistic approach includes independent living skills, technology skills, character development, and community engagement, ensuring our graduates are well-rounded individuals ready to make a positive impact in thier future.