Frequently Asked Questions


What Supplies Do Students Need?

Suggested Supply List

All Students

A labeled reusable water bottle (dishwasher safe and with a closing lid) Headphones for use with iPad or laptop 


Suggested Packing List for Residential Students

At least 5 sets of Clothes (pants, shirts, socks, underclothes). Pajamas Warm coat, hat, scarf, and gloves Swimsuit PE clothes, including tennis shoes Toiletry items (deodorant, toothbrush/toothpaste, soap/body wash, shampoo, comb/brush, feminine hygiene products). Snacks (which will go in your student's assigned snack drawer)
  • School supplies (textbooks, learning materials, laptop/iPad/Braillenote/chargers, braille writer, etc).
  • Medications (which will go to our nurses in the health center)

What is Skyward (Grades and More) and how can parents use it?

Skyward is the platform the school uses to log attendance, grades, and contact information. How can parents use this tool?

Skyward Family Access is the parent login portal. To log in use the parent

User name: firstname.lastname

Password: Contact Irwin Office

Please call 360-947-3309 if you are having a hard time accessing your account. This is a great tool for families to check attendance and grades!

Who do you call when your student is absent from school?

Call our attendance line at

360-947-3292 or email

please be sure to state your student's name and the reason for the absence.

How will you communicate highlights and news?

The Irwin On-Campus Programs at WSSB will use the following methods of communication: 

Weekly Updates via Email and Remind

Emergency and Travel Updates via School Messenger 


  • Text or App: If you prefer to text message the office, please text: @wssb1886 to 81010 to join our Remind
  • Email is also an option with Remind as well 


How do I reach the Irwin office?

Call: 360-947-3309


Text: via Remind 

What health and safety measure does the school have in place?

As of March 12st 2022, per Washington state guidance, WSSB will not require students or staff to wear masks while indoors. WSSB will respect individuals choices to wear masks and will have masks readily available for staff and students. 

Masks however are still required while inside our Health Center on campus.

WSSB will continue with the following layered prevention measures:

  • Improved ventilation where and when available
  • HVAC systems have been updated with MERV 13 filters
  • Increased cleaning and disinfecting 
  • COVID testing options available to students and staff (PCR, rapid antigen at WSSB, rapid antigen home tests)
  • Masks and other PPE made readily available to staff and students
  • Maintaining physical distancing where possible and appropriate
  • Promoting handwashing and good hygiene
  • Maximizing outdoor activities as much as possible


What happens if there is a positive COVID case at WSSB?

If a positive COVID case is identified at the school, a notification will be made to staff and families through available communication channels (email, weekly announcement, etc.).  

Health and Safety

COVID Response Protocols

What to do if you have symptoms or have been expsoed to COVID?


Stay home and test for COVID if you have one or more of the following symptoms unless it is related to an underlying condition.

  • Fever (greater than 100.4) or chills
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Muscle or body aches
  • New Loss of taste or smell
  • Cough (new, changed, or worsening)
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Sore Throat  
Returning to School

Complete home testing, community-based testing, or see a provider

  • If negative or receive an alternative diagnosis you may return when:
    • No fever within the past 24 hours (without medication)
    • AND symptoms have improved
    • If symptoms persist, retest every 24-48 hours through at least 5 days after symptoms started.
  • If positive, you may return when:
    • 5 days have passed since symptoms first appeared AND 

    • No fever in last 24 hours AND 

    • Symptoms have significantly improved  

    • Additionally, individuals should continue to wear a mask around others for days 6-10.  

    • If individuals have access to antigen test, they can further decrease risks of infecting others by taking a test no sooner than day 6, only when symptoms have improved.   If test if positive, they should continue to isolate and wear well-fitting mask, and wait 24-48 hours to test again. 

      • If test is negative on two sequential tests performed 24-48 hours apart, they can end isolation and stop wearing a mask before day 10. 

      • If no additional testing is done, the individual should continue to wear mask for days 6-10. 

  • If they do not test, follow the same as testing positive
If You Receive an Exposure Notification or Think You’ve Been Exposed

Regardless of vaccination status:

  • Continue to attend school 

  • Monitor for symptoms, AND 

  • Test 3-5 days after exposure, AND  

  • Wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days after exposure  

  • If exposed individual develops symptoms they should isolate at home, test, and follow steps outlined in Returning to School section.